If I'm fortunate to live into my 80's I will have spent half of my life wishing I was more. More outgoing, more intelligent, more like so and so, etc. etc. etc. Now the amazing part of being in my 40's is that I have come to accept the things I am and the things I am not. It has become more apparent to me that life really is short and unpredictable. I have concluded that I have one chance at this and if I stay on the sidelines, I could very well end up regretting the things I should have done.
I have always thought and reacted from my heart first. Which probably makes me a business major's worst nightmare. I will quote my business consultant "remember you are not a non-profit." So if anyone knows how to make a spa a non-profit, please let me know. Deep down I've always known I wanted to have my own spa. After a few futile attempts the courage seemed to land in my lap. This transition seemed to have a momentum all of it's own. I truely believe I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I'm meant to do. Owning a small business is in my blood, my Dad had his own small business as did his parents. Growing up I did not fully appreciate and understand my Dad's sense of loyalty and support of the small business community until well after he was gone. What's ironic and nostalgic is that my spa is in the building that my Dad encouraged my Mom to grocery shop at when I was kid, Hancock Supermarkets. The building after all these years is still in the Hancock Family.
My Dad was a wonderful role model. He probably was not the definition of monetary success, that was not what was most important to him. What was important to him was dedication, doing a good job, treating people fairly and respectfully and in return he was well respected. In his teenage years he learned how to make furniture. As an adult he only continued his carpentary skills as a hobby. He loved to give the things he made only as gifts. I remember him saying he could never make a living at it because he was too much of a perfectionist. This is where I couldn't disagree more. I think he would have enjoyed life more had he made a living creating the furniture he was so passionate about. I believe we are all given special gifts and it's up to us to develop and apply them to life. I am so blessed to love what I do. I encourage everyone to figure out what it is you are passionate about. Everthing else will work itself out. When you love what you do your passion shows in the quality of your work. As a result your work day ends up feeling a lot less like work.
I want to thank my husband for believing in me and encouraging me to go for it. And thank you for not questioning my creative vision. I am also thankful to everyone who aligned to help me in making my dream a reality. Your part was instrumental. You just never know when you start your day the paths you may cross and the difference you might make in someone's life.